Proxy settings in Tweet Attacks Pro software for Twitter

Many online marketers love TweetAttacks Pro for its convenience and efficiency. With this tool, you can automate promotion on Twitter: follow and unfollow users, analyze statistics, set up auto-posting, manage multiple accounts at once, and much more. But without a proxy, TweetAttacks Pro will be limited.

Video tutorial for proxy configuration in Tweet Attacks Pro

Why you should use a proxy for TweetAttacks Pro

Twitter has its own algorithms and makes sure that users do not use third-party services. For suspicious activity, the social network security system will mercilessly ban accounts.

Therefore, for effective promotion, you need a proxy. The proxy server in TweetAttacks Pro will hide your IP address, this is useful if you have multiple Twitter accounts at once. So each account will have its own personal address attached as if these pages are run by different people from different devices.

How to set up a proxy in TweetAttacks Pro

  1. Open the program.
  2. Click the "Settings/help" tab.
  3. 2.png

  4. On the right side, click on the "Proxy Settings" button.
  5. 3.png

  6. Check the box next to "Enable Proxy".
  7. 4.png

  8. To configure the proxy manually, enter your proxy server details in the fields below: IP address, port, login, and password. Click "Add Proxy".
  9. 5.png

  10. If you have a text file with a proxy (in txt format), click on the "Load Proxies From File" button and select the desired file on your device.
  11. 6.png

  12. If you have a proxy via a link, check the box next to "Get Proxies From URL" and enter the link in the required field.
  13. 7.png

  14. Click “Save Settings”.
  15. 8.png

  16. When the window closes, save again by clicking on the "Save Settings" button.
  17. 9.png

  18. Now we need to bind the proxy to a specific account. Open the “Accounts Manager” tab.
  19. 10.png

  20. Click on the "Bind Proxy" button.
  21. 11.png

  22. In the "Accounts" field, select the account you need and check the box next to it. In the "Proxy List" field, also select the desired proxy.
  23. 12.png

  24. To apply a proxy server to all accounts at once, check the box next to "Loop to bind all accounts".
  25. 13.png

  26. Click on the "Save" button. The configuration is completed!
  27. 14.png

What proxies to use for TweetAttacks

You can use Mobile, Data Center, and Residential proxies. They are all suitable for promoting on Twitter, however, mobile proxies combine the security of residential and the speed of a data center ones, such proxies are the most reliable, but also the most expensive.

Whatever type of proxy you choose, the main thing they have to be paid personal proxy servers. Ideally, use one IP address for one Twitter account.