Proxy settings tutorial in NSB - Nike Shoe Bot

Nike Shoe Bot is a tool to fast buy branded sneakers. It automatically finds the required pair in the online store, places an order, and makes a purchase. Happens frequently, that there is fierce competition for limited models, and only with bots, it is possible to buy as many pairs as one of the first and at a starting price.

Video tutorial for proxy configuration in NSB - Nike Shoe Bot

Can NSB Bot be used without a proxy?

Most brand stores block users for suspicious activity on their sites. This is pretty easy to do: just track which IP address the actions are being performed on and restrict access to that address.

In order not to get blocked on any sneakers site, set up a proxy for Nike Shoe Bot. Then you will be able to:

  • Hide the main IP address and change it to another one to remain anonymous.
  • Simulate the actions of a real person on the site.
  • Speed ​​up bot’s operation.

That is, you can use NSB without a proxy, but there is a big risk of being blocked, and then the bot will become useless. Therefore, we recommend setting up a proxy immediately by starting the bot.

How to set up a proxy for Nike Shoe Bot

  1. Open the program and go to the "Proxies" tab.


  2. Click on the "Add Proxy List" button in the upper left corner.


  3. In the opened window, enter the name of the proxy list. You can create multiple lists and use them for different purposes (for example, one list for one site).


  4. Enter the details of your proxy server (or several) below: IP-address:port:username:password.


  5. To check the quality of your proxy, click on the "Latency Check" button. Next to the proxy, you will see the inscription "Good" or "Bad". In the second case, such a proxy should not be used - most likely, it is already on the "black lists" or it is expired already.



  6. If the proxy is working properly, click the "Submit" button. The proxy setup is complete!


Now you know how to set up a proxy for Nike Shoe Bot. Use high-quality private proxies for "sneaker hunting". They are reliable and fast, and speed is a very important thing for Sneaker bots. Free proxies are often overloaded by other users, and this greatly slows down the Nike Shoe Bot.