Proxy settings guide for FoxyProxy on Chrome and Firefox
Proxy settings guide for FoxyProxy on Chrome and Firefox
FoxyProxy is an extension for the browser that allows you to set up a proxy server for Chrome or Firefox. This is much more convenient than installing additional programs on the device.
After setting up a proxy through FoxyProxy, you can connect several servers at once and switch between them while working. This feature will come in handy if you work with a large number of social media accounts.
Video tutorial for proxy configuration in Chrome and Firefox
How to set up a proxy in FoxyProxy on Chrome
Open the browser and go to the Menu (click on the three dots in the upper right corner).
Hover over "More Tools" and open the "Extensions" tab.
Click on the three bars on the left.
Select the "Open Chrome Web Store" section.
In the Chrome store, in the search bar, type "FoxyProxy" and press Enter.
Select the first extension, then click on the "Add to Chrome" button
In the popped-up window, select "Add extension".
You have installed the extension, now let's move on to setting up a proxy. Click the FoxyProxy icon on the top bar and select "Options".
Go to the "Proxies" section.
Click on the "Add New Proxy" button.
In the "General" tab, type in any name for the proxy server.
Open the "Proxy Details" tab and check the "Manual Proxy Configuration" box.
Enter the IP address and port. Also, select the type of your proxy server.
Check the box next to "Save Login Credentials" and below enter the Username and Password (twice) for the proxy.
Click on the "Save" button.
Now click on the FoxyProxy icon and select the server you just added. Done!