Vision: an overview of the anti-detect browser

Vision is an anti-detection browser designed for both individual specialists and large arbitrage teams. It serves as a straightforward and efficient tool for circumventing the anti-fraud systems employed by marketplaces, bulletin boards, social networks, and crypto exchanges. The defining feature of Vision is its use of fingerprints derived from real users, which offers a significantly higher level of trust compared to those generated artificially.

This review will provide an overview of Vision's functionalities and benefits, along with detailed step-by-step instructions on how to create browser profiles.


Features of the Vision browser

The Vision browser's extensive capabilities make it an ideal tool for managing multiple accounts, conducting traffic arbitrage, engaging in e-commerce, and launching advertising campaigns on platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook, Amazon, and others. Let's explore the key functions that Vision offers.

Core functions of Vision

The Antidetect Browser, Vision, offers a robust array of tools and features that aid in bypassing tracking systems and maintaining anonymity online. These capabilities also significantly streamline the management and automation of actions when working with multiple profiles.

Let's explore the key features of Vision:

  • Browser profiles: Vision facilitates the quick creation and configuration of browser profiles. Its extensive functionality simplifies switching between profiles, grouping them, customizing for specific sites and tasks, and distributing them among team members.
  • Tags, notes, and statuses: for enhanced organization, each profile can be labeled with unique tags and statuses. Additionally, the notes section allows users to store useful information such as passwords, account logs, task details, target audience specifics, etc.
  • Browser extensions: Vision simplifies the process of adding plugins. Users can select extensions from a built-in list, install them from the Google Store, or upload them as archives. Extensions can then be installed in bulk across all or selected profiles. Plugins sourced from archives are immediately available to all team members, while those from the Google Store update upon each browser profile launch.
  • Cookies and robot cookies: to simulate a real user history, profiles can import existing cookies or gather new ones using a robot. This enhances the profiles' trust factor, improves their reputation, and facilitates more natural interactions with web resources.
  • Proxy integration: Vision simplifies the setup and use of proxy servers to maintain anonymity and overcome geographic restrictions. Proxies can be tested for functionality before being added to profiles, and profiles with proxies can be quickly shared among team members.
  • API automation: the browser supports automation of workflows through HTTP requests (POST, GET, PATCH, DELETE) to its API URL. This functionality allows users to create, delete, and edit profiles, folders, and proxies. It also enables starting and stopping profiles and automating their operations using libraries such as Puppeteer, Playwright, and Selenium.
  • Cache Storage: Vision provides options to select storage paths for browser cores, downloaded extensions, and profile caches. The cache can be easily cleared at the push of a button if necessary.

These features are designed to enhance the efficiency of managing multiple accounts, ensure online anonymity, circumvent geographic and systemic restrictions, and automate routine processes.

Database of unique digital fingerprints

The anti-detect browser Vision utilizes real fingerprints that accurately replicate the parameters of ordinary users' devices. Unlike artificially generated fingerprints, which may contain bugs, errors, or technically impossible parameters such as non-existent processors, video cards, or outdated browser extension versions, real fingerprints reflect actual device settings and configurations. This authenticity significantly enhances trust in websites and greatly reduces the likelihood of being blocked, thereby ensuring a reliable and effective bypass of anti-fraud systems.

In the anti-detect browser Vision, the following device parameters are altered to enhance privacy and prevent detection:

  • User-Agent: this string identifies the operating system, browser version, and device type. For example, a typical User-Agent string for Chrome on an iPhone might be replaced with one that simulates Firefox on macOS.
  • WebRTC: this protocol facilitates direct audio, video, and data transmissions between browsers. Since WebRTC can disclose the user's real IP address, it is crucial to mask this parameter.
  • WebGL: an API that renders 2D and 3D graphics directly in the browser. WebGL can provide detailed information about a user’s graphics hardware, making it another key target for substitution.
  • WebGPU: a newer API than WebGL, designed for rendering graphics and computational operations in browsers. Like WebGL, it provides access to GPU details, which are masked to prevent tracking.
  • Canvas: an HTML element used for drawing graphics programmatically. Canvas fingerprinting is a common tracking technique, as it can reveal unique device characteristics. Substituting Canvas data helps to camouflage these details.
  • Client rects: this involves descriptions of element sizes and positions on a web page, which can indirectly reveal screen resolution or OS customization settings. Altering these details helps obscure the real screen setup.
  • Device parameters: including the amount of RAM, CPU model, and specs, and information about peripheral devices like webcams and microphones. These details are modified to prevent them from being used as a means of tracking.
  • Location parameters: including the time zone, browser language, and geolocation settings. Modifying these parameters helps to disguise the user's actual location and system language preferences.

By replacing these parameters, Vision significantly enhances users' anonymity, making it difficult for anti-fraud systems to detect and block users based on their device characteristics and behaviors.

Teamwork system

Users can easily navigate between different teams and their personal accounts, enabling them to work on multiple projects concurrently. The access levels for team members can be adjusted by administrators, who can grant permissions to:

  • Customize profiles;
  • View project performers;
  • Edit the rights of other team members;
  • Create new folders.

Access to specific folders can also be customized, allowing for controlled visibility and editing rights. The scope of these editing rights can vary, including:

  • Only launching profiles;
  • Deleting profiles;
  • Transferring profiles to another folder;
  • Transferring profiles to another team or user;
  • Viewing the list of folders without the ability to log into them.

Furthermore, users have the flexibility to move a profile to any team they are part of, or they can request a key from the owner of another team for a transfer. When transferring, there is an option to either transfer the entire profile, including all settings, statuses, tags, and proxies or just move the profile itself.

Encryption of cloud profiles

The Vision browser offers the capability to store profile data either locally or in the cloud. All data stored in the cloud is securely encrypted using a 256-bit AES key (Advanced Encryption Standard), ensuring robust protection against unauthorized access.

Furthermore, profiles in Vision are safeguarded in ways that ensure only the users themselves can access their information:

  • When a profile is synchronized, a temporary link is generated to download data to Amazon S3 cloud storage. This link is exclusive to the profile owner and expires after a short duration. During synchronization, the system verifies the integrity and consistency of the data. If an inconsistency or error is detected, the system attempts to synchronize the data multiple times. Persistent errors trigger a security protocol that classifies the request as suspicious and applies restrictions to it.
  • To download a profile archive from the cloud storage, a unique temporary link is created, accessible only to the profile owner. Attempts to access the link from a different IP address are automatically blocked, preventing potential data interception. Access to files on Amazon S3 requires the correct folder and profile ID, making unauthorized access extremely difficult.

These measures significantly enhance the security and privacy of user data within Vision, providing an additional layer of protection against potential breaches and unauthorized data access.

The high trust factor of the browser's core

The Vision browser is built on the Chromium core, which is an open-source project that also serves as the foundation for the Google Chrome browser. This underpinning provides the basic architecture and key functionalities such as web page rendering, JavaScript handling, and extension support.

Using the Chromium core offers several advantages:

  • Parameter substitution: Chromium allows for deep substitution of parameters that are not accessible via JavaScript alone. This capability makes the Vision browser particularly effective at circumventing anti-fraud systems.
  • Large user base: given that Google Chrome is the most widely used browser globally, building Vision on Chromium helps users blend in with the general browsing population, significantly reducing the likelihood of being blocked.
  • Extensive customization options: the open-source nature of Chromium enables extensive customization. It allows for easy addition of extensions and integration of additional functionalities like cookie import, script management, and extension installation, making Vision highly adaptable for various tasks.
  • Support for modern web technologies: regular updates to the Chromium project ensure that Vision supports the latest web standards and internet technologies. This continuous updating process guarantees compatibility with new websites and online services, enhancing user experience.

Following the release of a new version of Google Chrome, the Vision development team quickly implements updates and fixes. This prompt action maintains the browser's anonymity features and ensures that its anti-detect functionalities remain up-to-date and effective.

Subscription plans offered by Vision

Vision provides four different tariff plans, each designed to cater to varying needs, from individual users to large-scale projects. Additionally, there is a 5-day trial period available, which can be activated with just a registration and a subscription to their Telegram channel.


Micro — for solo users

The Micro plan is priced at $29 per month. It provides access to the primary functions of the anti-detect browser and permits the creation of up to 50 profiles. However, teamwork capabilities are not included in this plan.

Base — for small teams

The Base plan is available starting at $79 per month. It allows for the creation of teams with two additional members and supports up to 150 profiles. Additionally, if needed, the team size can be expanded at an extra cost of $9 per new member.

Middle — for medium teams

The Middle plan is priced at $189 per month. It enables the creation of a team that includes four additional users and supports up to 500 profiles. If you need to expand your team further, each additional user can be added for a cost of $15 per user.

Team — for large-scale projects

The Team plan is priced at $389 per month. It includes access to 1,500 profiles, and there is an option to expand this number if more profiles are needed.

Number of additional profiles and their cost
3000 ($189) 9000 ($855) 15000 ($1491) 21000 ($2127)
4500 ($378) 10500 ($1014) 16500 ($1650) 22500 ($2286)
6000 ($537) 12000 ($1173) 18000 ($1809) 24000 ($2445)
7500 ($696) 13500 ($1332) 19500 ($1968) 25500 ($2604)

With the Team subscription, you can expand your team size by adding additional members at a cost of $15 for each new member.

Tariff Micro Base Middle Team
Price $29 per month $79 per month $189 per month $389 per month
Number of browser profiles Up to 50 Up to 150 Up to 500 Up to 3000, expandable
Team creation capability Available Available Available
Number of team members 2 users, expandable 4 users, expandable 5 users, expandable
Price per additional team member $9 per user $15 per user $15 per user

Vision's pricing structure is tailored to accommodate a wide range of users, from individuals just starting out to those involved in extensive marketing projects. All pricing plans, except the starter plan, allow for the addition of team members. The Team plan additionally offers the possibility to expand the number of available profiles. Subscription discounts are available, with a 10% reduction for 6-month commitments and a 20% discount for annual subscriptions.

Furthermore, Vision provides the option for users to work with the project team to create a customized proposal that specifically addresses their needs regarding the number of profiles and team size.

Interface of the Vision browser

The Vision browser offers an intuitive interface that supports multiple languages, including Russian, Ukrainian, English, Portuguese, and Chinese. Users can choose between dark and light modes, customize the appearance of profile folders, and determine which profile details are displayed in the list.


This section of the Vision browser is organized into two modules: folders and a list of profiles. Folders function similarly to groups in other anti-detect browsers, but Vision offers enhanced customization options. Users can not only name folders but also personalize their appearance by adding logos and selecting color schemes. This feature aids in the organization and visual differentiation of profiles, enhancing usability and clarity.


The list of profiles in Vision displays detailed information for each profile, including its name, status, associated proxy, tags, and notes, as well as the date of creation, last modification, and total operation time. Users can customize this display, choosing to hide any data they deem unnecessary.


Additional management features are found in the “Proxies”, “Tags”, and “Statuses” tabs, which allow for grouping profiles by relevant criteria, thus streamlining search and organization processes. The “Extras” tab offers options to connect browser extensions by selecting from a provided list or by entering a name, and it also allows users to add a homepage and bookmarks.



In Vision, the flexibility of user roles is enhanced by allowing a user to both own a team and be a member of another team using the same account. The interface for managing teams is intuitively split into two modules: the left side shows a list of teams, and the right side displays the members of the selected team. The team administrator has the capacity to modify the team name and avatar and configure access rights. They can assign rights to manage the team, as well as handle folders and profiles.


When it comes to folder management in Vision, permissions are categorized into two types: global and local. Global permissions grant access to all folders universally, while local permissions enable precise control over access to specific folders. This dual-level permission system allows administrators to finely control the actions users can perform with particular folders, ensuring both flexibility and security in managing team resources.



The general settings menu in Vision provides options to select an avatar display name, and to create a new password for enhanced security.


In the application settings section, users can view details about the current version of the program and the location of its files. Information such as the browser version, the HTTP server port, and options for clearing the browser cache are also accessible here.


The additional settings offer several configurable options:

  • Retrieve the token address for automation via API;
  • Choose the default extension setting: either a real extension or one simulated from a fingerprint;
  • Decide whether to use a Content Delivery Network (CDN);
  • Determine if the browser cache should be stored;
  • Select the source of geolocation data and configure the saving of proxy settings.


Step-by-step profile creation in the Vision browser

  1. Navigate to the “Browsers” or “Teams” section and click on the “Create profile” icon.


  2. Provide a name for the profile and select the desired operating system from the available options.


  3. To add a new proxy, click the corresponding button. You will need to enter the proxy name, connection type, and port number. Once configured, this proxy can be selected from a list and assigned to your profile.


  4. Attach cookies to the profile by uploading them through a designated field in the setup window. You can also add notes for additional context, such as logins, passwords, tasks related to the profile, target sites, and other relevant information.


  5. The hardware fingerprint data, which helps in simulating a real device’s characteristics, will be automatically selected by the system and displayed on the right side of the screen. If you want to create a completely new fingerprint, click ”New”. To modify certain parameters of an existing fingerprint, select “Smart”.


  6. In the additional settings, you have the option to manually configure the User-Agent, toggle WebRTC on or off, specify the video card’s manufacturer and model, and select the time zone, geolocation, language, and other hardware characteristics. After adjusting all the settings, click “Create profile” to finalize.


  7. If you need to modify an existing profile later, you can do so by clicking on the three dots next to the profile name in the list and selecting the appropriate option to edit.


Vision is a cutting-edge anti-detect browser designed to meet the needs of marketers, arbitrageurs, SMM specialists, and crypto bounty hunters. It provides a robust tool for bypassing anti-fraud systems and managing multiple profiles efficiently. Featuring a simple and intuitive interface, Vision offers extensive customization options, including fingerprints of real users, enhancing its effectiveness. Additionally, its flexible subscription system is tailored to accommodate both individual specialists and large teams, making it a versatile choice for a wide range of online professionals.