Step-by-step Proxy settings tutorial for Ubuntu

Although Ubuntu is not as popular as Windows or Mac OS, it is quite easy to use and suitable for any personal computer. Even for ordinary users, the anonymity and safety of their personal data are important. Unfortunately, Ubuntu cannot guarantee this to its users, so many people use proxy servers for complete security.

Video tutorial for proxy configuration in Ubuntu OS

With proxy servers for Ubuntu you will be able to:

  • Change the IP address and location to remain anonymous on the Internet.
  • Bypass regional and local restrictions.
  • Create multiple accounts on different sites, online games, and exchanges.
  • Protect your data on your device from leaks and hacks.

How to set up a proxy on Ubuntu

There are three ways to set up a proxy server for the OS: through Settings, through the Terminal, and for a specific program separately.

Proxy configuration via Settings

This method, unfortunately, will not work if you want to use a personal proxy server with authorization.

  1. Go to the operating system Settings.
  2. 1:1.png

  3. Go to the "Network" section, and then click on the gears next to "Network Proxy".
  4. 2:1.png

  5. In the opened window, select the "Manual" mode.
  6. 3:1.png

  7. In the fields next to your proxy type, enter the IP address and Port. You can use multiple proxy servers.
  8. 4:1.png

  9. Close the window and the proxy will be configured! Reboot your device to apply the new settings.

Setting up a proxy through the Terminal

  1. Open Terminal application on the device.
  2. 1:2.png

  3. First, enter the command $ sudo nano /etc/environment.
  4. Enter the lines below with the data of the proxy server (depending on the type of your proxy):
  5. export HTTP_PROXY="[username]:[password]@[IP-address]:[port-number]"

    export HTTPS_PROXY="[username]:[password]@[IP-address]:[port-number]"

    export FTP_PROXY="[username]:[password]@ [IP-address]:[port-number]"


  6. Close the Terminal and reboot your device.

Setting up a proxy through the Terminal for a specific program

  1. Open the Terminal application.
  2. Enter the command with the name of the program for which you want to configure the proxy: $ sudo nano /etc/program_name/default (the Google Chrome browser as an example: $sudo nano /etc/Google-chrome/default)
  3. Enter a line below with your proxy data in the same way as you did above:
  4. GOOGLE_CHROME="-proxy-server="[username]:[password]@ [IP-address]:[port-number]"


  5. Close the Terminal and reboot your device.

You have configured a proxy for Ubuntu! We recommend using the second or third configuration option and setting up a proxy server with authorization. Such personal proxies will reliably protect your data and ensure anonymity on the network.