Proxy settings tutorial for Windows 7

Video tutorial for proxy configuration in Windows 7

How to set up a proxy on Windows 7

To set up a proxy for Win 7, you only need a few minutes and a reliable personal proxy server. We will show you an easy way to set up a proxy through the Windows 7 system settings:

  1. Click on the Start/Windows sign.


  2. Select "Control Panel".


  3. Go to the "Network and Internet" section.


  4. Go to the "Internet Options" section.


  5. In the opened window, go to the "Connections" section and click on the "LAN settings" button.


  6. Check the box next to "Use a proxy server for your LAN" and enter your proxy server details in the required fields: IP address and port.


  7. If you need to connect several proxies at once or select a specific type of protocol (HTTP and HTTPS, FTP, Socks), click on the "Advanced" button.


  8. Enter the proxy data in the required field and check the box next to "Use the same proxy server for all protocols".


  9. In the next field, you can enter exception sites for which the proxy will not work.


  10. Click “OK” to save changes.


  11. If you are using a personal proxy, then immediately after installation you will see an authorization window pop up in your default browser. Enter the Username and Password of the proxy server and click "OK".


You have configured a proxy for Windows 7! To check the correctness of the settings, enter the query "My IP address" or "Test IP address" in a search bar of any browser. Go to any of the proposed sites, and if the IP matches the IP of your proxy, you did everything right.

How to disable proxy on Windows 7

You can disable or change the proxy in the same settings.

  1. Go to "Control Panel" - "Network and Internet" - "Internet Options" - "Connections" - "LAN settings".
  2. To make changes, enter other data in the fields for the IP address and port.
  3. To disable the proxy, uncheck the box next to "Use a proxy server for your LAN".
  4. Click "OK" and exit the settings.



You have successfully connected the proxy server for Windows 7! Use a high-quality personal proxy to make everything work quickly and without interruptions. This will increase the level of protection and ensure complete anonymity on the network, while free proxies can harm your device.