How to change your location and bypass the PSN ban on PS4 / PS5

Why do I need a Proxy for PS4/PS5?

The main restrictions arise just because of being in a certain country, and you need the proxy to change the location and unlock the Playstation Network. Then the system will think that you are accessing the network from another region, and will not block access for you. Also, a proxy will hide your IP address, provide reliable protection against hacks and malware, and speed up your Internet connection. Your console will work quickly, without interruptions and restrictions.

How to set up a proxy on PS4/PS5 using Wi-Fi

This setting is suitable for both PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 since their interface is almost the same. This will only take you a couple of minutes, so if you have purchased a high-quality personal proxy, let's get started.

  1. Launch the console and go to the "Settings" section.

    ps settings

  2. Select "Network" section.

    ps settings network

  3. Here select "Set Up Internet Connection".

    ps set up internet connection

  4. Select "Use Wi-Fi".

    usd wi-fi

  5. Select the "Custom" connection method.

    custom connection

  6. A list of available networks will open. Select and connect to your Wi-Fi network.
  7. In the "DHCP Host Name" section, select "Do Not Specify".

    do not specify

  8. In the "DNS Settings" section, select "Automatic".

    dns settings automatic

  9. In the "MTU" section, select "Automatic".

    mtu settings automatic

  10. In the "Proxy Server" section, select "Use".

    proxy server "use"

  11. In the fields, enter the IP address and port of your proxy server, and click "Next". If you are using a private proxy, in the next window you will need to enter the Username and Password of your proxy. Save and enjoy the work of the proxy!

    enter your proxy address and port

To check if the settings are correct, go to the “Test Internet Connection” section. If “Successful” is written in the “Obtain IP Address” item, then you did everything right.

Test internet connection


Now you know how to bypass blocking for PS4 and PS5 using a proxy server. But it is important to choose high-quality secure proxies for PSN. Only personal proxies will protect you from blocking and give you full opportunities to play games on Sony PlayStation. But free servers, on the contrary, can harm your console and account. Therefore, we do not recommend saving on a proxy server.